Friday, June 15, 2018

Azure Monitor Alert Severity Mappings

When I first started using SCOM, one of the things that I had to quickly get my head around was how alerts that were generated by rules were defined with a Severity that mapped to an integer value (e.g. Critical = 2, Warning = 1, and Informational = 0).

With alerts in Azure Monitor, Microsoft have taken a similar approach where they have defined five alert severity levels - each one mapping to it's own integer. These severity levels have been color-coded to help quickly identify alerts that should be treated as more important than others but for clarity, I've detailed the exact mappings as follows:

Azure Monitor Alert Severity Levels

Sev 0 = Critical
Sev 1 = Error
Sev 2 = Warning
Sev 3 = Informational
Sev 4 = Verbose

As you can see from the mappings above, in Azure, the lower the integer, the higher the severity - which is the opposite to alert rule severity mappings in SCOM. Hopefully this post will prove useful for any SCOM administrators who are dipping more into the Azure Monitor world over the coming year and might get slightly confused by the reverse numbering mapping between the two platforms.

If you'd like to read more about some newly announced feature enhancements in Azure Monitor, then check out my recent post here.

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