Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Available Now - Mastering Windows Server 2012 R2

Just before the Christmas break, it was a nice surprise to see the postman had delivered a package that essentially represented the best part of 12 months of hard work for me - mostly working into the early hours of the morning after the day job finished.

This delivery was none other than the 'dead tree' format of my new book...

Late last year and not too long after our 'Mastering System Center 2012 - Operations Manager' book hit the shelves, I was given the opportunity to head up an excellent team of authors to work on a book that would cover the original release of Windows Server 2012. The book was essentially an update to the excellent 'Mastering Windows Server 2008 R2' book that was led by well known author and speaker Mark Minasi with co-authors like Aidan Finn working their magic throughout. (No pressure on us then!)

This updated Windows Server 2012 book was due to hit the shelves by March/April but when Microsoft announced the upcoming Windows Server 2012 R2 release (codenamed Windows Blue), we just knew we had to re-do our work on the book to keep it consistent and current. What we didn't realise is the sheer volume of extra work that the new R2 release had landed us with and suckers like me who had 8 chapters to work on pretty much had to do a re-write of everything - not to mention labs being rebuilt/upgraded too!

Reading through the full book now though, I can see that all the effort was worth it and I want to say a big thanks to all involved in bringing this to market. There's a great team of authors and editors behind it and if you want to ramp up on your Windows Server 2012 R2 knowledge, then this is a great place to start.

Depending on your country and preference, you can get your hands on a paperback copy of it from the links below:

Hope you enjoy it!


  1. Great news, I've been waiting for this for SOOOO long! I'm sure it's been worth the wait, been on back order for.....forever!

    1. Hope you enjoy it Hamish, please add your comments and feedback on it as a review on Amazon :)

  2. Dear Kevin, this is a great book. I read the most part of it and it is very useful. I'm working on the remote desktop services to replace our Citrix implementation for remote app and in this case I think something is missing or is not well detailed. I'm talking about redundancy and deployment scenarios. Probably I need a book more focused on RDS matter because this is too generic on Windows 2012 for my purposes. Can you suggest something I can read on Windows 2012 R2 Remote Desktop Services? Thank you very much,

    Andrea Onesti
    SDB Information Technology - Italy

    1. Hi Andrea and thanks for the comment!

      Glad you like the book, but I can appreciate that it isn't going to be a deep-dive into every piece of functionality that you get with Server 2012 R2 (otherwise we'd be writing a 5000 page book instead of a 1700 page one!).

      I'm not aware of any new books available just yet for RDS 2012 R2 but I think that Microsoft Press might have one coming soon.


  3. Well done that man! Now all I need is my birthday to hurry up so I can buy it as a pressie for myself. I am sure it will be like your technical assistance, esdy to understand but complex in its intent.

    Should be a best sellers.

