Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Windows 2008 R2 RADIUS with Cisco ASA

I came across an issue last week when a customer had retired their old Windows 2003 RADIUS server and replaced it with a new Windows 2008 R2 server. They had their Cisco ASA device integrated for Authentication of remote IPSec VPN clients to Active Directory through the RADIUS server.

When the old Windows 2003 server was removed and the new Windows 2008 R2 server went in, naturally, the RADIUS had stopped working and needed to be reconfigured.

After playing around with this problem for nearly half a day I found the solution wasn't too technical but more a step by step configuration of both sides of the Authentication process (RADIUS and Cisco ASA) needed to be carried out exactly as outlined below.

One of the main differences of the old RADIUS on the Windows 2003 Server versus the new Windows 2008 R2 server is that the Windows 2008 R2 Server uses the new Microsoft Network Policy Server to provide RADIUS and NAC (Network Access Control) to the network.

When the NPS component is deployed out of the box, it comes pre configured with some policies that can conflict with how you want your Cisco ASA to communicate with it and these policies will need to be deleted and recreated to get the Cisco to communicate with it.

The following blog post outlines exactly the process needed to properly configure your Cisco ASA with a Windows 2008 R2 RADIUS / NPS Server:



  1. Thanks Kevin. I had a customer with the same situation, old Windows 2003 Radius server now gone and new 2008 R2 box. I followed that article and it worked for me.

    Lyle Epstein

    1. No problem Lyle - thanks for the great comment!


  2. Awesome! I am running Windows 2012 R2 and ASA5520 Version 9.1(2) and your guide worked like a charm!!

    Many Thanks!
