Thursday, October 6, 2016

Updated: SCOM 2016 & 2012 R2 Prerequisites Script

Last year when I was starting work on my new Getting Started with Operations Manager book, I needed a PowerShell script that would help me deploy the SCOM 2016 and 2012 R2 prerequisites without fail every time.

The script was a derivative of an earlier SCOM 2012 SP1 script that I published a few years back and it worked fine up until the download link for the ReportViewer prerequisite changed to support Windows Server 2016. I had it on my to-do list to update this script to reflect the new download link but before I got around to it, I noticed that my good friend (and the tallest Dutch guy I know) Oskar Landman had taken my original script and added his scripting magic to it!

Oskar's updated script now has interactive prompts to check which version of SCOM you're installing and whether or not you are deploying the Web Console role (which requires the most prerequisites) - awesome!

Taking your inputs from those prompts, it will then go and download the SQLSysClrTypes and ReportViewer prerequisites to a folder of your choice, install them and then deploy all required roles and features based on your input - nice!

You can review Oskar's original blog post about his work on this script here.

The updated script can be downloaded from my GitHub repo here:


  1. Hi.
    I think you made a small type in the download only script. Look at the variables $2016dwnld and $dwnld, they should be the same.

    1. Awesome, well spotted - thanks Niko! I've updated the Download Only script to reference the $2016dwnld variable and I'll let Oskar know to update on his end too.
